Led by artist Sarafina Paulina Bonita and in co-creation with the JUNCTION team members of the 'Who Gets 2 B An Artist' pilot, we manifest a mourning ritual to express the difficulty of exclusivity, scarcity and discrimination present in our work realities.

We mourn the artists who weren’t allowed to be - such as people excluded from participating in the (funded) art world and practices that we had to give up or adapt to fit the dominant norm. We are calling to build a collective body, which can hold and honour this knowledge and mourn these losses. You don’t have to be an artist to participate! This workshop is open to all bodies.

The intervention day following, will be announced during the workshop and will take place in a public space at a safe distance and with masks. Here, we will create a collective performance ritual of mourning these losses to the structures that harbour inaccessible spaces for our many communities.

Interventions are a collective tool to demonstrate the boundaries and wishes of the cultural community. Through an intersection of art and localized research, we center the practices and experiences of Black, Indigenous, POC, Queer, Trans and Disabled communities within the arts.

Photographs by Eden Calgie
Who Gets 2 B An Artist Team: Leana Boven, Tugba Bahceci, Sarafina Paulina Bonita, Lili Ullrich, Ratri Notosudirdjo, Yahaira Brito-Morfe & Valienska Magfira
The Mourning Ceremony